- Your Name in bold, Address, Phone number and Email Address has to be entered first.
- The next one has to be the "Objective" describing what you are looking for.
- Next is the Educational Details(SSLC, HSC and your degree)
- Computer Skills ~ Just give all those known to you. Have to be clear in writing. For example, if you are not so good at Java then just write "Basics of Java" and not "Java". This makes the difference.
- Projects ~ If you have done some projects mention it and give a brief explanation about it. If not, just leave this. Make sure that you write only if you are good in explaining that.
- Certification Courses ~ If you have done some certification course, add it here.
- Strengths ~ Mention your strength here. Example : Good Team Leader. This is definitely needed. People just look at your strength.
- Achievements if any.
- Extra Curricular and Co- Curricular activities.
- Hobbies ~ This should be something creative like solving Puzzles and so. Your hobbies should be useful to you in some way. Prepare for the explanation for this.
- Languages Known
- Declaration Statement
Example Resumes :
Sample Resume for a Fresher
Sample Resume for a Experienced Person
All The Best.
govt recruitment 2016 walo ki maa ko chodu Here.
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