
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Stress Interview

Stress Interview is also a type of Interview where the candidates are placed in 'discomfort' state. The main purpose of this Stress Interview is to see how well we react when we are under pressure. If we behave wrong, of course we would not be selected. Even under pressure, we have to take good decisions in the Company. Thats what they are testing by this Interview.

Example Stress Interview Questions :
  • Sticky situation: "If you caught a colleague cheating on his expenses, what would you do?"
  • Putting you on the spot: "How do you feel this interview is going?"
  • Popping the balloon: "(deep sigh) Well, if that's the best answer you can give ... (shakes head) Okay, what about this one ...?"
  • Oddball question: "What would you change about the design of the hockey stick?"
  • Doubting your veracity: "I don't feel like we're getting to the heart of the matter here. Start again - tell me what really makes you tick."
  • "Just Get out". A friend of mine got Stress interview and he was asked to get out. He then replied "Can I have my offer letter before going out?".
How To Handle Stress Interview :
  • Maintain cool and be calm no matter what the interviewer asks.
  • Don't put a serious (irritated) face. Don't erase the smile on your face just because interviewer says statements like 'You are unfit...'
  • Try to be clear on what you say and maintain on that. Don't frequently change the answers just because the interviewer asks the same question again and again or says 'Are you sure about your answer ?'
  • Speak very calmly and softly.
  • When you are getting stressed, take a deep breath to calm/relax yourself.

How To Prepare for an Interview!!

Things to do Before Interview :
  • Of Courser preparation is necessary. "Tell Me About Yourselves" will be the first question. Prepare for it. Never think that you can speak on the spot. A preparation is always necessary.
  • Learn about the Company that you are gonna attend. In Interview they may ask about it too.
  • Read the recent newspapers. They may also test your General Knowledge.
  • Talk to some person who is working in the company and know about the Company.
  • Know the Job Requirements clearly. Be Technically strong.

Importance Of Cover Letters

A Cover Letter is a letter of introduction attached to, or accompanying another document such as a Resume or Curriculum Vitae. Your resume should always have a good Cover Letter attached, as a personal communication between you and the individual who receives the resume.

Tips To Write A Good Cover Letter :
  • Be sure to address your cover letter --by name and title -- to the person who could actually hire you. When it's impossible to learn their name, use their functional title, such as "Dear Manager." You may have to guess ("Dear Selection Committee") but never say "To whom it may concern" or "Dear Sir or Madam"!
  • Show that you know a little about the company, and that you are aware of their current problems, interests, or priorities.
  • Express your enthusiasm and interest in this line of work and this company. If you have a good idea that might help the employer resolve a problem currently facing their industry, offer to come in and discuss it.
  • Identify at least one thing about you that's unique, say a special talent for getting along with everybody at work, or some unusual skill that goes beyond the essential requirements of the position - something that distinguishes you AND is relevant to the job.
  • Make it clear which position you're applying for and just what experience or skill you have that relates to that position.
  • Keep it brief - a few short paragraphs, all on one page.

Example Cover Letter :

Sample Cover Letter

All The Best.

Monday, December 22, 2008

While Attending An Interview

I have attended 3 interviews so far trying to be a Software Engineer. I got my job in my 3rd attempt only.

Things you have to keep in mind while going for Interview
  • Make sure that you reach the place some 15 minutes before. It will relax you and you can answer properly
  • Make sure you carry all the materials with you(File, Marksheets, etc)
  • Your dressing - Make sure that you look simple and neat
  • Expressions - Just have a smiling face. That will be helpful to hide your fear from them.
  • Be bold in giving answers. Even if you are not sure of the answers answer them in a bold way. What they want is boldness, not the exact answers. They can very well train us in that subject.
  • At the end of the Interview, if you have any doubts about the company feel free to ask them. Never ask about your salary. That will give them a bad impression.
These will really help in getting job.

In my experience, I had a fear in my first interview. And I showed that in my face. I was stumbling to answer. That failed me. In my second attempt, I didn't clear my written test itself. In my third attempt, I made sure that I must have a relax mind. I answered in a smiling and bold way. And that helped me out.

All the best.

Good Way To Write Your Curriculam Vitae

I am an Engineer and I am giving a format which I used in for preparing my resume.
  • Your Name in bold, Address, Phone number and Email Address has to be entered first.
  • The next one has to be the "Objective" describing what you are looking for.
  • Next is the Educational Details(SSLC, HSC and your degree)
  • Computer Skills ~ Just give all those known to you. Have to be clear in writing. For example, if you are not so good at Java then just write "Basics of Java" and not "Java". This makes the difference.
  • Projects ~ If you have done some projects mention it and give a brief explanation about it. If not, just leave this. Make sure that you write only if you are good in explaining that.
  • Certification Courses ~ If you have done some certification course, add it here.
  • Strengths ~ Mention your strength here. Example : Good Team Leader. This is definitely needed. People just look at your strength.
  • Achievements if any.
  • Extra Curricular and Co- Curricular activities.
  • Hobbies ~ This should be something creative like solving Puzzles and so. Your hobbies should be useful to you in some way. Prepare for the explanation for this.
  • Languages Known
  • Declaration Statement
I felt that this format was good. Hope you like that too.

Example Resumes :

Sample Resume for a Fresher

Sample Resume for a Experienced Person

All The Best.



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